Phonics and Dyslexia

by Brisbane Tutor Justin Clark All Children Learn by Making Meaning from Text What does this mean for dyslexic children? Learning to read is about making meaning from the text.  If we are not deriving meaning from what we are reading, then the process of learning to read becomes that much harder as we become…


Teaching Children With Learning Difficulties to Read

by Brisbane Tutor Justin Clark who specalises in helping kids with learning difficulties Reading Methods For Children With Learning Difficulties This article describes the different approaches that are used to teach children with learning difficulties to read.  In my experience, each method has its merits and often a combination of the different approaches is the best…


What is Dysgraphia?

by Brisbane Tutor Justin Clark Dysgraphia What is dysgraphia? Dysgraphia Is a specific learning disability with writing that is more severe and more resistant to intervention as compared to other more general difficulties encountered by students that struggle with written expression. What are the Symptoms of Dysgraphia? Students with dysgraphia may have problems with visual-spatial…


What is Dyscalculia? What is Maths Dyslexia?

by Brisbane Tutor Justin Clark Dyscalculia and Maths Dyslexia Dyscalculia is Commonly Called Maths Dyslexia Dyscalculia is a specific learning disability in mathematics.  In many ways it is the maths equivalent of dyslexia and is often referred to as maths dyslexia.  However, dyscalculia it is not as well known or understood as dyslexia.  Dyslexia is…


Help For Children with Dyslexia

Author Justin Clark, Dyslexia Tutor How to Help Children With Dyslexia If you have already browsed through my website and read some of the pages, blogs and reviews, you will know that there is help and hope for children with dyslexia. The help for children with dyslexia comes with the provision of being taught in a…


What are the Signs of Learning Difficulties?

Author Justin Clark, Learning Difficulties Tutor in Brisbane. Help for Learning Difficulties By Early Intervention Learning difficulties are best managed by early recognition and early intervention, thus recognising the signs of learning difficulties and then taking action as soon as possible is very important. Why Early Intervention Helps with Learning Difficulties When learning takes place,…


What are Learning Difficulties?

Do you, or Don’t you Have a Learning Difficulty? Author Justin Clark, Learning Difficulties Tutor in Brisbane. The term Learning difficulties is used almost as a catch-all expression, but really what are learning difficulties? Who has and who does not have learning difficulties? Learning difficulties are ongoing difficulties in learning to read and write but can…


Teaching Children with Aspergers

Supporting and Teaching Children with Aspergers Author Justin Clark, Aspergers Tutor in Brisbane. How Aspergers Impacts on Teaching Socialisation, Communication and Imagination Aspergers is a developmental disorder and therefore its behavioural manifestations vary with age and ability.  Its core features, present in different forms, at all stages of development and ability are impairments in socialisation, communication and…


Reading Comprehension and Reading Difficulties

Types of Reading Difficulties  Author Justin Clark, Reading and Learning Difficulties Tutor in Brisbane. The nature of reading difficulties or reading disabilities (such as dyslexia) for struggling readers is complex. Recent research suggests that the complexity in the nature of reading difficulties stems from the wide range of individual differences present amongst those with reading…


Teaching Students With Dyslexia To Read

Teaching Strategies for Dyslexia Reading Author Justin Clark, Learning Difficulties and Dyslexia Tutor in Brisbane. Overview – Dyslexia and Reading Teaching students with dyslexia to read is at the very core of dyslexia.  The most apparent symptom of this reading disability is difficulty with word recognition. Indeed, the very definition of dyslexia offered by the International…


Teaching Students With Autism

Encouraging Learning Engagement for Students with Autism Author Justin Clark, Learning Difficulties and Autism Tutor in Brisbane. It has been found that when teaching students with autism, the most effective programs are those that are structured, educational and individually tailored.  These types of programs should include clearly articulated and theoretically sound components for supporting the development of…
